Wednesday, April 8, 2009

ElEd Practicum Experience

Using Garage Band Recording Technology

Utah Language Arts Core Standard 2, Objective 1, Indicator a. Print carries a message and what is the message of "Our First Grade Song" and Standard 1, Objective 1, Indicator a. Language can be learned through listening and being entertained.

TPACK -Technological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge. What I used was Garage Band Digital Technology to record the children singing. It was important for the children to learn to listen to themselves recorded upon the computer over the speakers in the classroom overhead. This technology completed the experience and the pedagogical tool from this technology meets the the indicator for a way to learn language by listening and being entertained. Although this wasn't a look it me and how cool I am I am being recorded! We are singing! We can hear ourselves! It was more so understanding and reflecting on the experience we had while preparing for the recording and reflective listening of the music to know what our message is. The content knowledge was that what we wrote carries a message in our case carried a message which connected with the first graders personal background knowledge and experience and allowing each first grade as a group to feel like literally their voice matters and that is why they were being recorded and that their voice is so important, that their thoughts and ideas need to be heard and that is why we listened to them over the speakers. Each child was able to take part in the technology experience by having their voice recorded. They mattered and and so did their message. Without this recording device I believe that this experience would have been incomplete but with being able to use this recording device only solidified the importance of what they were learning.

The events that went well. The technology worked in the classroom. Not only did it motivate the children to sing their best it was a way to reinforce that their message that they wrote was important enough to record and reflect upon. The recording was so clear that I was initially nervous that we might have to record again to make a good copy, but the recording was fantastic and picked up all the children's voices. This first grade class would be able to pick out their own voice. And when my mentor teacher burns it on a CD they will have it for ready use all the time with their voices clearly singing their first grade message.

What I would improve upon would be realizing that I needed the mic for the computer so that we could hear our song over the overhead speakers. But that was fine that I didn't think about that. That was easy to change for next time which I did a couple days later. And my mentor teacher was able to make it happen when I needed it.

"Our First Grade Song" was typed up and placed into the "Favorite Folders" for each child. They wrote and learned the song, polishing the song for recording on "Garage Band," and finally being able to listen to their project over the speaker system.

The children were so eager to record the message they created and they were even more eager to listen to how well they did. They had felt like they were a part of a magical experience!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Internet Safety

  1. Reading: What article did you choose to read for your fourth article?
Let our Voices be Heard - M. Russell Ballard

2. What were the most important things you learned from the readings?

I learned that I need to walk away from viewing/listening to moral medial regardless of what anyone else around me does. I learned that immorality through media destroys our families. We need to choose what Heavenly Father would choose and God would choose that which is good for us and our families.

3. How will what you have read influence your actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?

I will take the steps Elder Ballard listed in the article and try to implement them in my life with my family. I will not view media that is immoral and will have all media equipment filtered and out in the open and will have constant conversations and supervision when children are using this equipment and will limit the time.

4. How can you use what you have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?

I will use the steps that Elder Ballard mention plus I will "let my voice be heard" when media is inappropriate.

Frontline PBS Documentary-

Watching/Website: tried to find my delicious account but couldn't. This is a good resource because I feel PBS is truthful for the most part on what they present.

Who did you talked with (no names are needed - just a brief description of age)
I talked to my best friend in Columbus Ohio. She is 24 years old and has 2 children.

What did you shared and how did it go (was it positive? negative? hard? easy? valuable or not?)
I shared with her the article I read from Elder Ballard. She is not a member of the church but is a strong evangelical christian. I knew that the principles that Elder Ballard said would touch her heart and it did. She was positive about the information I gave her. I told her how I have a "Clear Play" to filter immorality out of my movies which is one of the things Elder Ballard talked about and she loved that idea. She agrees that there is too much immorality in the media.

We also talked about the internet and she is wanting to get some filter for that too so her children don't stumble across something inappropriate. She said she is well aware that she needs to do something. She liked the idea of having internet safety conversation with her children and limiting the time. She found the article to be valuable. Mostly because she does love God and is aware that immorality separates her from feeling his love in her life.

She appreciated that I talked to her about internet safety and was particularly interested in the fact that I wanted to encourage her to communicate with her children about how to use the computer safely.

Friday, March 20, 2009


On Wednesday... maybe Tuesday of this coming up week I am going to use technology in the classroom. I am going to use Standard 1: Students will develop a sense of self. Objective 3: Students will develop and use skills to communicate ideas, information, and feelings. Indicator a: Students will recognize and express feeling in a variety of ways (e.g., draw, paint, tell stories, dance, sing).

I am planning on doing my project so that the children will have a class song for their 1st Grade Class. I have collaborated with the kids to get ideas of what they want in their song and I am writing their song this weekend. Then next week I will teach them their First Grade Song and we will then record the song on the teacher's lap top on the computer program "Garage Band," which I hope it is on their... she has a MAC. The children have "Favorite Folders" which they sing every week and each child will get a copy of their First Grade Class Song and be able to have with them when they live.

I will also try to use my Electric Acoustic Guitar and Amp so that the children can hear the chord changes more clearly.

The students will be able because they gave me the words (that I am just organizing their words) to communicate through a song what they told me about their First Grade experience which meets the standards and objectives. The teacher uses her lap top to play songs like the "Chicken Dance" and things... well now she will have one more song to add on her collection which is about her and her students.

Monday, March 16, 2009


So my teacher and I have been trying to figure out what to do with the first grade class with incorporating technology in the classroom. She doesn't know and I don't know what to do with them without taking up a ton of time. But I do have two thoughts and I still don't know if they would work but her are my thoughts nonetheless.

The school has a smart boar. I don't know what one is and I have never seen one before but maybe I could figure it out to do something with it. But I don't think I would do that one because of all the unknowns. The second thought I have is probably what I will do, The school has a computer specialist and I one of the programs is Kidsperation 2. I think I will ask the computer specialist to teach part of her class when my class goes one day.

So those are my thoughts.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Content- TPACK


Standard 3
Students will develop an understanding of their environment.
Objective 3
Demonstrate how symbols and models are used to represent features of the environment.
Indicator D
Locate continents and oceans on a map or globe (i.e., North America, Antarctica, Australia, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean).

In the core content for first grade I am having children make observations between oceans and continents. The technology that I will be using for this activity will be Google Earth.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Virtual Tour Plan

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1. Pacific Ocean
Notice what continents this ocean is near.
Have terrain on.
2. Atlantic Ocean
See above.
Have terrain on.
3. Arctic Ocean
See above.
Have terrain on.
4. Indian Ocean
See above.
Have terrain on.
Details of image overlay / path / polygon:Overlay a sea animal native to that ocean environment.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Digital Story Telling

Content: Old MacDonald

First Grade, Standard 1 Objective 3
Develop and use skills to communicate ideas, information, and feelings.

  1. Recognize and express feelings in a variety of ways (e.g., draw, paint, tell stories, dance, sing).
  2. Express how colors, values, and sizes have been controlled in artworks to create mood, tell stories, or celebrate events.
  3. Sing a melody independently, with developing accuracy and a natural voice that is free from strain.
  4. Create simple rhythm, movement, and melody patterns with body percussion and instruments.

This standard was taken from the Utah State Core Curriculum for First Grade Language Arts.

Pedagogy: Farm Animals and Literacy- I chose this because not only am I going into Elementary Education but because I am also a Music Educator and so I wanted to link up classroom teaching with music teaching. Children love animals and I thought by singing this song children could solidify what farm animals are versus forest or jungle animals. They could learn also to recognize the word symbols that belong to each animal in this presentation duck, pig, cow, horse, chick, and sheep and also expand upon it and discover even more farm animals that have been unexplored. The children would also be able to write about a farm animal themself and create a Digital Story from this experience.

As a Music Educator, I would be looking for the above standards and objectives throughout this project in the child's development musically as well as bridging the content with the Language Arts area. What is fun about Old MacDonald is, if I were doing this with children I would use the animal's sound opportunity for some vocal play, while singing, dancing, and improving our musical abilities. The Digital Story part allows us to focus on the visual arts aspect which will help children better connect with the feeling of the music when they can visualize what some of the possibilites are visually for this song.

Technology: iMovie and Garage Band- I used this technology because this is what I had available over this past weekend to create the Digital Story Telling assignment. The iMovie was to create the story of what Old MacDonald had on his farm and the sounds each animal made, as well as the Garage Band which recorded my singing and playing the guitar for this song and story.

Story Board

See the Digital Story Telling Blog (above) for the Content, Pedagogy, and Technologies used for this assignment of Old MacDonald.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

TPACK Questions

The content for our lesson was the kindergarten standard 3 objective 1 c which states that " students will describe the information of each of the five senses provides with the change of the seasons."
The pedagogy used during this lesson is to have the students be able to collect pictures that represent all of the five senses in winter and document them using the scientific method. By learning the scientific method at a young age they will be able to use it through much more complex problems in their lives.
The technology we used in theis lesson was kispiration. It is an awesome tool for showing children what a brainstorm web looks like and letting them put one together. It is also a great tool to help them classify their data they collected and see all of their . It makes the learning process hands on even for a kindergartener.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Tech Savvy Teacher

The TECH-SAVVY Teacher Article of the Month
In our classroom we are studying the seasons! Since it is Winter, we decided to focus on that season first. For the kindergarten standard 3, objective 1 c, it states that "students will describe the information each of the five senses provides with the change of the seasons." Our goal was for students to observe winter and to collect and analyze the data they found.

For our activity, we had the students brainstorm connections to winter in their personal journals incorporating each of the five senses. We then had them go outside and observe the effects of winter on the world around them. To capture their findings they used digital cameras. They needed to capture a photo that would represent one of the five senses.

Using Kidsperation, students then organized their data into a cluster incorporating their photographs along with appropriate clip art provided by Kidsperation (see photo #1.)

Kidsperation helps students better understand and utilize the scientific process of observation, data collection, organization of data, analyzing data, and presenting data.
Here are a few example photos that students might collect during their digital camera portion of the science lesson.

To culminate our activity, students presented their findings in small groups and then their Kidsperation clusters were compiled into a class book entitled "Student Scientists in Winter." By including technology into this science unit, we made it a more engaging activity for learners of all types.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Science Write-up

In class we learned about science and technology through Stellarium and temperature probes, as well as looking through the digital microscopes. That was so much fun!!!


I learned about TPACK which is the knowledge of how to use technology to support pedagogical content knowledge. It is helpful to explore technology in specific education content areas because it makes the subject a hands on learning experience. Student will retain more information longer because it is broadening their understanding of the subject.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Week 2

RSS saves time so that the children don't have to surf the web because I have found all the appropriate resources for them to use collectively onto one page.

Web 2.0 are very useful teaching resources because with Goodreads you can network with other people and share book information and parents can look on your websites and see if you have any books that are recommended for their child's reading abilities.  Delicious is similar to Goodreads except instead of books they have useful websites.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

IPT 287

I don't know much about technology.