Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Internet Safety

  1. Reading: What article did you choose to read for your fourth article?
Let our Voices be Heard - M. Russell Ballard

2. What were the most important things you learned from the readings?

I learned that I need to walk away from viewing/listening to moral medial regardless of what anyone else around me does. I learned that immorality through media destroys our families. We need to choose what Heavenly Father would choose and God would choose that which is good for us and our families.

3. How will what you have read influence your actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?

I will take the steps Elder Ballard listed in the article and try to implement them in my life with my family. I will not view media that is immoral and will have all media equipment filtered and out in the open and will have constant conversations and supervision when children are using this equipment and will limit the time.

4. How can you use what you have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?

I will use the steps that Elder Ballard mention plus I will "let my voice be heard" when media is inappropriate.

Frontline PBS Documentary-

Watching/Website: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/kidsonline/ tried to find my delicious account but couldn't. This is a good resource because I feel PBS is truthful for the most part on what they present.

Who did you talked with (no names are needed - just a brief description of age)
I talked to my best friend in Columbus Ohio. She is 24 years old and has 2 children.

What did you shared and how did it go (was it positive? negative? hard? easy? valuable or not?)
I shared with her the article I read from Elder Ballard. She is not a member of the church but is a strong evangelical christian. I knew that the principles that Elder Ballard said would touch her heart and it did. She was positive about the information I gave her. I told her how I have a "Clear Play" to filter immorality out of my movies which is one of the things Elder Ballard talked about and she loved that idea. She agrees that there is too much immorality in the media.

We also talked about the internet and she is wanting to get some filter for that too so her children don't stumble across something inappropriate. She said she is well aware that she needs to do something. She liked the idea of having internet safety conversation with her children and limiting the time. She found the article to be valuable. Mostly because she does love God and is aware that immorality separates her from feeling his love in her life.

She appreciated that I talked to her about internet safety and was particularly interested in the fact that I wanted to encourage her to communicate with her children about how to use the computer safely.

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