Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Tech Savvy Teacher

The TECH-SAVVY Teacher Article of the Month
In our classroom we are studying the seasons! Since it is Winter, we decided to focus on that season first. For the kindergarten standard 3, objective 1 c, it states that "students will describe the information each of the five senses provides with the change of the seasons." Our goal was for students to observe winter and to collect and analyze the data they found.

For our activity, we had the students brainstorm connections to winter in their personal journals incorporating each of the five senses. We then had them go outside and observe the effects of winter on the world around them. To capture their findings they used digital cameras. They needed to capture a photo that would represent one of the five senses.

Using Kidsperation, students then organized their data into a cluster incorporating their photographs along with appropriate clip art provided by Kidsperation (see photo #1.)

Kidsperation helps students better understand and utilize the scientific process of observation, data collection, organization of data, analyzing data, and presenting data.
Here are a few example photos that students might collect during their digital camera portion of the science lesson.

To culminate our activity, students presented their findings in small groups and then their Kidsperation clusters were compiled into a class book entitled "Student Scientists in Winter." By including technology into this science unit, we made it a more engaging activity for learners of all types.

1 comment:

  1. good! - do you have a picture of the completed kidsperation activity - that would be interesting to see at the end.
